Saturday, September 10, 2011

This is my first post of Multimedia Storytelling. For homework we were told to critic another blog. This being the 10th anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, I decided I would find a blog having to do with just that.

The blog I found was written by a girl whom was in high school on 9/11/01. She now is in her 20s and works for homeland security. The beginning of the blog gets into detail about where she was that morning. I like that she added that because almost everybody remembers exactly where they were that moment, and as a country, that was a moment that changed us. She says in the blog that 9/11 changed our perspective on the world. Being a freshman in high school myself on 9/11, I would have to say I agree. That was the first time in my life I was scared and unsure of the unknown. The writer backs up her facts about how the United States has had at least 40 known terrorist attacks since 9/11 with a journal article which is something I was unaware of. This blog wasn't anything special to look at, it had no special graphics and just one picture, but the meaning was strong and something I can definitely relate to.

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