Sunday, September 25, 2011

Critiquing NSN

The first thing I notice about the site is that its organized. I like things neat and in order so I can appreciate this. On the top of the page, there is tabs on the top directing you to where you want to go, whether it is sports in general, high school, college...etc. This is good for people who get distracted easily and a quick way to find what you are looking for. Also on the top of the page in the right corner is a box telling you when the next live game is. A nice touch.

Looking a little lower, you can't not notice the slide show in the middle of the page with some action shots from recent games. Good pictures. When you click on them, you are brought to an article about the game. Some of the articles were pretty long, but maybe they're supposed to be longer when writing about a game? not sure. I like the upcoming games box though. I like that its informative with the time and date of the game without having to click on it.

Not too many ads. I do notice a ad from LSC though. No comment.
I like that they have a link to like on facebook. Which is good networking. There's not too much I don't like, except maybe the long articles. Overall, I like it.

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